Thursday, 19 April 2007

Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen

So, yes, I'm in a bit of an accidental Austen phase at the moment. But I have my next book lined up and it isn't Austen...
Years ago when studying Mansfield Park for A Level (and hating it) a friend (who hated it even more) said that Northanger Abbey was brilliant, pretty different to the rest and way worth a read.
So I finally got round to it. And indeed it was great! So funny and ridiculous and silly! It does often take me a while to notice when Austen is being funny (I really didn't get P&P the first time I tried to read it aged about 12) but this is so tongue in cheek and ridiculous that even my stupidity couldn't miss it.
It was a little slow going in places and I haven't been entirely gripped - for not the longest book in the world and having taken it on holiday and so on it still took me around three weeks to actually get it finished...but definitely an enjoyable jaunt.

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